Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Caterpillar or Butterfly?

“How does one become a butterfly?" she asked. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”

Do I have what it takes yet again to be a butterfly?
I find myself hoping to be a butterfly
But with the tossing of life's winds I fear the caterpillar inside.
I think I have devolved yet again to my caterpillar state
The time has come for me to wrap my cocoon,
To see yet again how far I can stretch my wings,
And become again as the butterfly in the breeze.

"I would rather have the wings of a butterfly than the heart of a lion. Why?
The butterfly is thrown around by the smallest breeze, yet it keeps going.
The butterfly may have many fears; being swept away by the wind may be one, yet it still flys, taking to sky like a fearless bird."
"Whereas the lion will go about it's business proudly, ignoring all but iself and it's prey. While the lion's heart is full of courage, true courage is only shown in a moment of fear and the lion has next to nothing to fear."

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