In Institute today we talked about Alma 36. This chapter is an excellent example of a chiasm. In the center of the chiasm is Christ.
My teacher told us how many things are in grained in us even when we don't want to be. Alma the younger, probably didn't sit down for his fathers teachings but still had the knowledge of the Savior he needed when he was ready to make the change for himself.
This shows us how much we are really affected by those people we are around day to day. My teacher also used the example of how he was a teenager and didn't always pay attention to the family home evening lessons but because his mom did it anyway it is now a part of him.
Finally, he shared this which he isn't sure who wrote it:
"The eye, it cannot choose but see,
We cannot bid the ear be still,
Our senses feel where ere we be
Against or with our will."
We may not choose to listen but thankfully we can still obtain the tools necessary for our needs.
This was also supported by his earlier lesson about sometimes life is about being at the right place at the right time. He said even if it is as simple as just being to work everyday that you are supposed to work and doing the simple everyday things.